Helping those in need - Lab 1

Now that I've uploaded my submission for Release 0.1, what's a guy to do? Once I finished, I felt the best way to reach out to my fellow colleagues was to make a post in our Slack group. Here, I stated that I was looking for someone to help go over my project, and that I used Python to program it. In return, I offered to take a look at the work they had done.

While I was waiting for someone to respond to my post, I kept a lookout for others who requested the same help, while prioritizing students that also used Python so that I could help myself learn the language a bit better and see how others approached the task.

Ultimately, I ended up helping the following students on their projects:

To help out HenryZerocool, I suggested adjusting their comment style to be in-line with the standards set for Python code, which only requires one hash symbol ('#') for code comments.

The first of 2 issues I brought to phast184's attention had to deal with running the program and the problems I was encountering. While it may be on my end, I still felt the need to bring it to their attention. The result of this issue was a missing step in the setup that was necessary to run the program.

The final issue opened for phast184 involved the regular expression they used. By placing it all on one line, it required a lot of scrolling to be able to read it all. I suggested that they attempt to split it up so that it was easier to read for anyone attempting to view the code.

This exercise has taught me a lot about the workflow of GitHub, and how even the most simple of issues made can lead to game-changing results! I am definitely more comfortable with interacting with other programmers now, and hope to continue to grow in confidence.
