A Badge of Honour - Release 0.3 pt. 1

For Release 0.3, our task was to fix two issues: one within the Telescope project, and then one in a separate repository. Here, I will go over the step I took fixing my issue with Telescope.

When I saw this issue get posted by humphd, I immediately jumped on it. Having worked on badges in previous PRs, I felt I already had a leg-up on what was needed from me. What it turned into was a deeper dive into GitHub workflows, along with learning about implementing Actions.

In the beginning, I referenced the GitHub docs on Workflow Status Badges to have a starting point. While this was a good initial collection of information, it was only able to get me the skeleton of the badge working, which, when given the name of the current workflow, would lead to it failing.

After some more research and reaching out with fellow contributors in our Slack channel (thanks smilegodly and manekenpix) I was able to track down a blog that held one key point to my issues. After digging deep into the information held on this page, I discovered that the main hiccup in my code was that BOTH the file name of the workflow and the name of the GitHub actions needed to match exactly (highlighted in the following screen shot):

Once this crucial fix was made and few tests were completed (with a heap of patience while the CI tests were still running), it was finally proven that the badge was reflecting the proper status.

To solve this issue, there was a lot of back and forth that needed to be done, since items such as the README file needed to be pushed to a test branch to see if the changes were truly making any effect. That, along with allowing the CI tests to run their course (and not just taking the initial output) forced me to take a step back and slow down my procedure, rather than take everything I saw at face value.

In the end, my PR was merged with only a minor hiccup towards the end (had to make things "Prettier"), and now the badge sits as one of the first things you see when you visit the Telescope repository! In comparison, this badge implementation was a little more difficult than my first attempt at a badge addition, mainly due to the differences on how the workflow was set up. When all was said and done, this PR was yet another step towards success in the Open Source community.
